departamento de procura/ search department
researcher: tiago borges
pesquisa actual:a ansia insaciavel de ser sempre o mesmo e o outro
current research:the anxiety of being one and the other simultaneously
departamento de procura/ search departmentresearcher: tiago borges STEPMACHINE/MAQUINA DOS PASSOS
1- sit in a chair;
2- insert the wires around your ankles and adjust it to your size;
3- once this is done, walk with the device;
4-question: is the ribbon attainable?

1-sente-se numa cadeira;
2-insira as argolas em cada um dos tornozelos e ajuste-as a sua medida;
3-apos esta breve operacao, caminhe;
4-questao: e a fita preta alcancavel?























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