departamento do vacuo / void department
research team: carla maria castiajo, joana sousa mieiro, suzana rezende
pesquisa actual:espaços que o corpo nao pode penetrar
current research:spaces the body cannot penetrate
1- choose your favorite bottle ( make sure it is empty and remove the top);
2- this operation will require the air-extraction device;
3- with one hand hold the bottle with the other the air-extractor;
4- place the air-extractor over the bottle’s opening;
5- the first extraction initiates the process;
6- when the bottle becomes a shape that pleases you, stop immediately as this is an irreversible process;
7- seal the bottle with its top and this is ready to be used.

1-pegue na garrafa que mais gostar ( certifique-se que esta vazia e retire a tampa);
2-para esta operacao e necesario o extractor de ar;
3- com uma das maos agarre a garrafa pelo gargalo, com a outra o extractor de ar;
4-coloque o extractor de ar sobre o gargalo da garrafa;
5- a accao inicia-se quando der a primeira bombada;
6-quando a garrafa assumir uma forma que lhe agrade, pare imediatamente pois este processo e irreversivel;
7-feche a garrafa com a tampa e esta esta pronta para ser usada.

























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