msdm a nomadic house-studio-gallery for photographic art and curatorial research, an expanded practice of the artist's book, photobook publishing and peer-to-peer collaboration created by contemporary artist paula roush
Electric House.Border Agency
[EH.BA] Electric House.Border Agency 2020
R pigment transfer on copper 50 x 50 cm, L pigment transfer on metal 15 x 10x 0.50 cm,
installation msdm House-Studio-Gallery
[EH.BA] Electric House.Border Agency 2020
L pigment transfer on aluminium 50 x 50 cm, R electrostatic print and acrylic sheets 35 x 26x 0.20 cm
installation msdm House-Studio-Gallery
[EH.BA] Electric House.Border Agency 2020
electrostatic prints and acrylic sheets 20 x 26x 4 cm, nailed to metallic surface wall,
installation msdm House-Studio-Gallery
[EH.BA] Electric House.Border Agency 2020
installation view, msdm House—Studio—Gallery
Electric House.Border Agency documents the space currently known as Electric House, a grade II listed building in the heart of East Croydon undergoing redevelopment. The photographs survey the compression of two uses of the building that signal the heritage (official or not) of Croydon public services architecture. Site analysis - through photographic documentation and archival reserch - evidence the first era of the building, and the overlooked influence of metaphysics, in the work of British architect Robert Atkinson, commissioned by the County Borough of Croydon to create the Electricity showrooms, between 1939 -1942. And exposes the second life of the building as the infamous UK Border Agency, modernised from the original showrooms into offices and interview rooms in the 1990s.
1939-42 Electricity showrooms for County Borough of Croydon by Robert Atkinson
1941-1945 Home Office and Ministry of Home Security public basement shelter
1990-2013 Remodeled for the home office UK Border Agency
1995 Listed Grade II Heritage Building
2018-2019 msdm House — Studio — Gallery
[EH.BA] Electric House.Border Agency 2020
Double electrostatic print on cartridge paper (two passes, grayscale and duotone)
48 cm x 32 cm
[EH.BA] Electric House.Border Agency 2020
Double electrostatic print on cartridge paper (two passes, grayscale and duotone)
48 cm x 32 cm
[EH.BA] Electric House.Border Agency 2020
Double electrostatic print on cartridge paper (two passes, grayscale and duotone)
48 cm x 32 cm
[EH.BA] Electric House.Border Agency 2020
Double electrostatic print on cartridge paper (two passes, grayscale and duotone)
48 cm x 32 cm