msdm a nomadic house-studio-gallery for photographic art and curatorial research, an expanded practice of the artist's book, photobook publishing and peer-to-peer collaboration created by contemporary artist paula roush
title of the project:
format: publication in a box, publication as installation
Published on the occasion of
Isabel Bader Centre
Queen’s University
Kingston Canada
August 15-17 2022 ,
Full program here
[download catalogue here]
The publication brings together zines, pamphlets, cards, photographic editions, facsimiles of found objects, that were part of research, exhibitions, performances, events in and around the four buildings that msdm has occupied since 2015.
These are buildings with unique architectural features that have been converted into “house-studio-galleries,” spaces defined by their triple purpose of “live-work-exhibit,” for the past seven years. A late 19th century Industrial warehouse previously used for self-storage, a warehouse unit that had been a printer’s workshop in the 1980s, a 1940s art deco electricity showroom that had also been the UK border agency offices in the 1990s and, currently, a community day centre with its own nursery now converted into an art publishing library.
The printed matter gathered in this publication rely on collaborations with other artists, that come to make work on site, influenced by the studio materials.
It offers a felt sense of the links between photography, architecture, installation, studio production and everyday living, through the medium of publishing, asking the question: what are the boundaries between the spaces of life, creation and exhibition?
Included is “The Expanded Practice of the Artist’s Book: Immersion in the Artist’s Museum,” essay by Francisco Varela that offers a parallel entry point to the project through an analysis of the live–work–curation method, which is identified in relation to various museological frameworks that are exercised in the house-studio-gallery.
paula roush :::
msdm studio :::