msdm a nomadic house-studio-gallery for photographic art and curatorial research, an expanded practice of the artist's book, photobook publishing and peer-to-peer collaboration created by contemporary artist paula roush
page-turner X filmwerkstaden
bookwork Oleksii Karpovych; cover design Maria Angerman
page-turner X filmwerkstaden
photobooks by:
Maria Ã…ngerman,
Janika Herlevi
Oleksii Karpovych
Patricia Rodas
Patrik Hedljung
Organised by Filmverkstaden, artist run filmlab and darkroom in Vaasa, Finland, in residency at Malakta Art Factory, a center for creativity, culture, arts and people based in an old dairy in Malax, Finland.
June 17-18, 2023
24 Was the Beginning - 10 Years Ago,
Oleksii Karpovych
Photography: Oleksii Karpovych
Co-editing and design: paula roush + Oleksii Karpovych
AI Textual Assistance:ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI, provided language refinement, narrative enhancement, and content suggestions throughout the creation of this photobook. ChatGPT contributed to the development of textual content, including captions, chapter titles, and text excerpts, with a focus on language quality and clarity. It played a collaborative role in the creative process, working alongside the photographer and co-editor to refine and enhance the narrative.
Cover design: Maria Angerman
A Collaboration with Oleksii, AI and I, paula roush
As the photographer Oleksii Karpovych embarked on a unique artistic journey, one that would eventually result in the creation of the photobook, "24 Was the Beginning - 10 Years Ago, " this project was not just a solo endeavour; it was a collaborative effort that brought together Oleksii and me, serving as the co-editor, and AI as a textual assistant, to curate and craft a visual narrative that would resonate with audiences far and wide.
The journey began when Oleksii, after documenting the harrowing events of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, found himself in Vaasa, Finland, at an artist's residency with Filmverkstaden. It was there that he took refuge in the darkroom laboratory, using it to process the film he had used to document the invasion. However, the impact of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) weighed heavily on him, making it nearly impossible to revisit the scenes visually, as they brought back overwhelming feelings of loss and grief.
paula roush :::
msdm studio :::