msdm a nomadic house-studio-gallery for photographic art and curatorial research, an expanded practice of the artist's book, photobook publishing and peer-to-peer collaboration created by contemporary artist paula roush

An attempt at exhausting an archive/ Found Photo Foundation

Tanja Verlak reflects on the Found Photo Foundation 
In Dear Aby Warburg, what can be done with images?
Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen
[see TEXT]
Also included in the Found Photo Foundation
newspaper [see NEWSPAPER]


The Found Photo Foundation/FPF, under the patronage of paula roush, deals with visuals suitably named
‘orphan photographs’ and explores this very possibility
of walking the line between temporal and spatial domains, where the empirical and the surreal grow surprisingly close. The FPF can also be read as an artistic experiment of twisting the document value
of an archive beyond its proverbial linearity of
causes and consequences.

As the connection to the real is often lost,
the project is above all a platform of invented spaces that suggests taxonomical methods of artistic research deep into generations and the unknown.


paula roush   :::
msdm studio :::