msdm a nomadic house-studio-gallery for photographic art and curatorial research, an expanded practice of the artist's book, photobook publishing and peer-to-peer collaboration created by contemporary artist paula roush


When writing and visual arts meet, magic can happen.

Wayne Burrows reflects on Queer Paper Gardens
for Backlit Gallery meets Nottingham Writers' Studio
[read ESSAY]

 A good example of a work in which art criticism becomes art in its own right, Queer Paper Gardens,
or The Wildlife of Symbols – a collaboration between
the Portuguese artists paula roush & Maria Lusitano – explores the history of collage through the work of its female practitioners, from Mary Delany’s scientifically precise cut-paper botanical illustrations of the 1700s
to Valentine Penrose’s surrealist 
Dons De Feminines made in 1951.

The beautifully produced five volume publication borrows its format from a 1934 edition of Max Ernst’s collage novel Une Semaine De Bonte, but uses the artists’ own collaborative photography, collage and drawing to highlight a less familiar path through the history and meaning of the medium itself.


paula roush   :::
msdm studio :::