msdm a nomadic house-studio-gallery for photographic art and curatorial research, an expanded practice of the artist's book, photobook publishing and peer-to-peer collaboration created by contemporary artist paula roush
"Follow Y/Our River:::Segue V/Nosso Rio"
Florianópolis/SC, Brasil
Quinta, 8 Agosto
International Conference Counter-Image 2024
Visual Culture and Ecological Thinking:
reimagining relationships in the world
7, 8 & 9 August 2024
Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas
Federal University of Santa Catarina
Florianópolis, Brazil
organised by EVAM - Observatory of Visual Studies and Media Archaeology and the research group on Culture, Mediation and Arts of the NOVA Institute of Communication (ICNOVA), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon.
"It is no longer a question of resuming or transforming a system of production, but of abandoning production as the only principle of relationship with the planet. It is not a question of revolution but of dissolution, pixel by pixel. (...) After a hundred years of socialism, understood as the redistribution of the benefits of the economy, perhaps it is time to invent a socialism that challenges production itself. Injustice is not limited to the redistribution of the fruits of progress but to the very way in which the planet produces fruit. (....) Against repeating everything exactly as it was before [the COVID-19 pandemic ]."
Bruno Latour, Where to land? (2020, no page)
“A territory is not just a piece of land. A territory bears the marks of centuries, of culture, and traditions. It is a genuinely ethical space, not just a physical one, as many politicians want to impose. The territory is almost synonymous with ethics and dignity. The territory is life; it is biodiversity, and it is a set of elements that make up and legitimise indigenous existence. Territory is a cosmology that includes ancestry.”
Eliane POTIGUARA, Metade cara, metade máscara ( 2004, p. 105)
Bruno Latour's words about the need to completely abandon our approach to the planet, based on accumulation, monoculture, and extractivism, along with Eliane Potiguara's thoughts on the meaning of territory, serve as the starting points for the debate that we aim to launch at the third edition of the Counter-Image Conference in Florianópolis, Brazil. This debate aims to explore image and visuality as it impacts the construction of our worlds.
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the damaging effects of industrialisation on the environment as human activities came to a halt globally. Benefiting from this awareness, Latour proposes a "return to Earth" that avoids repeating the mistakes made by industrialised Western societies – the place from which we are talking – and reimagines our relations in the world encompassing all existents (human, non-human and more than human). Eliane Potiguara, a writer and researcher of the Potiguara people, challenges the Western conception of territory, reducing it to mere physical space and a source of material resources. She believes the indigenous world, which still resists, offers a more comprehensive perspective as a place of biodiversity and ancestry with a cosmological dimension. In her conception, humans are not separate from other existents, including mountains and rivers, often considered non-living in Western epistemologies.
Since keeping ourselves indoors is not a solution, we must consider other approaches. The ecological crisis has become today's pressing political issue. How have visual representations impacted conceptions of the environment? How can visuality contribute to new epistemologies and ecological thinking?
Convidamo-te a co-autorar o jogo de cartas
"Follow Y/Our River:::Segue V/Nosso Rio."
Através de fotografia relacional e hidro-feminismo vamos mapear o emaranhamento quântico dos nossos corpos de água
Traz imagens / sons / palavras / recortes de notícias / memórias / estórias / água / areia / pedras / qualquer materialidade que permita compartilhar o teu rio / corpo de água durante o workshop.
As inscrições estão abertas e são gratuitas!
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Vamos co-autorar um protótipo de jogo de tabuleiro "Follow Y/Our River:::Segue V/N/osso Rio," baseado em cartas, explorando uma abordagem participativa mais-que-humana para contar estórias dos nossos rios.
Nosso objetivo é abrir Follow Y/Our River, uma obra de arte fotográfica relacional que surgiu do Rio Lea (Londres), a um protocolo flexível que traça a rede de corpos de água do Sul, desafiando narrativas lineares de tempo-espaço.
Queremos expandir os limites acadêmicos por meio de formatos de apresentação experimentais. Vamos praticar wateryquery: um emaranhamento difrativo de 'pensar com a água' (seguindo o hidro-feminismo de Cecilia Chen, Janine Macleod e Astrida Neimanis) e 'pensar na margem' (a filosofia do implícito de Eugene Gendlin).
Isso nos levará a um debate sobre modelos de co-autoria coletiva como parte do processo de participação na criação das cartas, bem como das nossas respostas ao ecoceno, e sairemos com uma estrutura pedagógica participativa aplicável a outros contextos acadêmicos, artísticos e educacionais.
paula roush :::
msdm studio :::