I'm currently working on the book dummy for Nothing To Undo, a project photographed in 2011 in a journey between Malmo and Stockholm. Always thought as a photographic collection for a photobook ( as opposed to an installation, as it could happen) it is taking fours years of editing and turning it upside down, for it to become the body of work it inhabits today. Printed A3 and folded into A4, it combines french and japanese binding, in a fragmented layout that might encapsulate the theme of migration and double vision (H.Bhabba). Now that I have settled for a (even if open and flexible) photographic layout, I am looking at the spatial interface of photos and language. The text is written by Maria Lusitano (also featured in some of the photos) and my aim is to place it in a graphic relationship in which photos and text essay each other. Not to use the text as captions that anchor the photos' meaning but to create a productive friction/ conflict between photography and language.