msdm a nomadic house-studio-gallery for photographic art and curatorial research, an expanded practice of the artist's book, photobook publishing and peer-to-peer collaboration created by contemporary artist paula roush
Herbarium for the Anthropocene, 2024
Processes: Eco-photography and eco-printing – including phytograms, monoprints, and eco-dyeing method- with plants collected from the allotment and garden
Format: Workshop designed and facilitated by paula roush
Participants: 12
Location: Across the two spaces of the therapeutic allotment garden at Pátio de Miraflor in Campanhã and the Mira gallery garden
Date: 30 August 2024
Commissioner: MIRA FORUM in partnership with Porto Hostels, a community center that provides sheltered temporary accommodation, for the project “Wanderings in Space and Time | Ground Earth People" by MMMonteiro and JLafuente with RPAC (Portuguese Network for Contemporary Art)
Herbarium for the Anthropocene is a place-based participatory eco art work with a group that uses the therapeutic garden at Pátio de Miraflor in Campanhã. This group includes users of Porto Hostels and local residents who applied for a plot in the community allotment. The project explores sustainability and eco-friendly art practices through the use of eco-photography and eco-printing, natural printing techniques that avoids synthetic dyes and chemicals. The final collection of dyed shirts, phytograms, and monoprints will be exhibited in the allotment and the Hostel’s Gallery in downtown Porto in 2025 (date to be announced).
We have developed a protocol for deep mapping the land, collecting plants from the community allotment. A protocol with artistic and research implications, centered around eco-photography and printing, the use of plants and natural materials to create unique botanical prints on fabric or paper. This sustainable process, also known as botanical printing, avoids the use of chemicals or synthetic dyes, promoting ecological practices in art. Eco-photography and printing engages with contemporary themes such as sustainability, the exploration of natural phenomena, and a critique of anthropocentric extractivism.
paula roush :::
msdm studio :::