msdm a nomadic house-studio-gallery for photographic art and curatorial research, an expanded practice of the artist's book, photobook publishing and peer-to-peer collaboration created by contemporary artist paula roush
ARQUIVO PESSOAL, corpo de trabalho / Personal Archive, Body of Work
Manuela Vaz, Fatima Lopes, Elsa Figueiredo, Alice WR, Arlindo Pinto,
Carla de Sousa, Goreti Ferraz, Leonor Rolo Duarte, Magda Rodrigues Pinto
msdm (UK)+ Festival Internacional de Fotografia de Avintes - iNstantes (PT)
Muitas vezes, quando catalogamos e armazenamos as imagens, valorizamos os conteúdos factuais e, com isso, camuflamo-las e condenamo-las, muitas vezes, à invisibilidade eterna. O ponto de partida deste projecto é revisitar e redescobrir o arquivo. para que possamos chegar ao campo da edicao artistica e da auto-edição como practica independente. Que outros recursos de expressão encontro nos factos ou aspectos visuais do passado? Que outros elementos de significação lhes quero ou posso dar?
The project delves into the notion of personal archives and how we tend to value factual content while inadvertently concealing and condemning the images to perpetual invisibility. It aims to challenge this practice by revisiting and rediscovering the archived images, opening up possibilities for artistic editing and self-publishing as independent practices. The main question driving the project is: What other expressive resources can be found in past events or visual aspects, and what additional layers of significance can be assigned to them?
The artists involved in the project follow a unique methodology. They individually revisit records they have produced and accumulated over their lifetimes. During this process, they embark on guided journeys with the intention of unearthing and rescuing alternative meanings and narratives from the forgotten, neglected, rejected, or ignored images. By breathing new life into these visuals through artistic editing, they grant them a fresh opportunity to resonate with audiences in new and meaningful ways.
Encontro-me a desenvolver o projecto de um livro de fotografia sobre a mulher que é a minha Mãe.
I am working on a photography book project about the woman who is my Mother.
Many times, when we catalog and store images, we prioritize factual content, and in doing so, we camouflage and condemn them to eternal invisibility.
Um Arquivo pessoal... Voltar à casa Mãe onde nasce a nossa identidade.
A personal archive... Returning to the Mother House where our identity is born.
The starting point of this project is to revisit and rediscover the archive, so that we can reach the field of artistic publishing as an independent practice.
Revisitar o meu arquivo pessoal, foi como dar-me um abraço, foi como dar-me colo.
Revisiting my personal archive was like giving myself a hug, like comforting myself.
What other means of expression do I find in the facts or visual aspects of the past? What other elements of significance do I want or can I attribute to them?
On a certain Thursday ... I took refuge in the anonymity of my body and photographed my restlessness...
Methodology: Each artist revisited records produced and accumulated throughout their life journey.
Por onde começar? Pelo óbvio: a observação permite concluir que o corpo do sujeito se encontra num estado transitório entre o seu nascimento e a sua própria morte, numa representação do seu próprio corpo.
Where to begin? With the obvious: observation leads to the conclusion that the subject's body is in a transitory state between birth and their own death, a representation of their own body.
And in them, embarked on a guided journey with the purpose of discovering and rescuing other possibilities of meaning.
A fotografia faz-me falar na primeira pessoa. O que busco, não é uma reprodução do real.
Photography makes me speak about myself. What I seek is not a reproduction of reality.
To the lost/forgotten/neglected/rejected/ignored images,
let's give them a new chance (from creation to artistic editing).
Lignum significa madeira em latim... ancestralidade do uso da madeira...
Lignum means wood in Latin... the ancestral use of wood…
Tem 87 anos e vive sozinha há 30 anos, na sua casa, em Mondim de Basto.
She is 87 years old and has been living alone for 30 years in her home in Mondim de Basto.