msdm a nomadic house-studio-gallery for photographic art and curatorial research, an expanded practice of the artist's book, photobook publishing and peer-to-peer collaboration created by contemporary artist paula roush
Queer paper gardens
Multi-chanel video installation and publications
Museu da Electricidade Lisbon
198 Contemporary Arts and Learning London
Artistic research into the history of collage culminating
in an artists' book, an installation made up of a collage salon, two double-screen video-essays and two large-scale charcoal drawings. The work explores travel and collage as interlinked cultural queer and feminist
practices in its relationship to contemporary art.
Focused on collage created across three centuries, ranging from Flora Delanica (1772-1782), Mary Delany's botanical collage work considered a pioneering instance of collage on paper, to the photographic collages of the Victorian era and, finally, to the Modernist collage-novels that constitute the exhibition's fulcrum: Max Ernst's Une Semaine de Bonté (1934), and Valentine Penrose's Dons des Féminines (1951).
paula roush
maria lusitano
Artist's book:
Queer paper gardens or the Wildlife of symbols,
Lisbon: Fundação EDP
Related publication:
A field (of interconnected realities)
"Minar o mundo circundante/ To mine the surrounding world", João Pinharanda (Queer Paper Gardens exhibition curator's statement
"Colagem e Colisao" ("Collage and collision: An artistic collaboration around the dances and counterdances of gender retrieves collage as a mode of associating images", Celso Martins Expresso Atual Magazine
"Mulheres fatais e outras que tais" (Fatal women and others as such: A visit to the surrealist museum through collage)", Luisa Soares de Oliveira Ipsilon Publico Magazine"
Related workshops:
Queer Paper Gardens: exploring the relationship between collage and self-publishing. Workshop for artists and educators. EDP Foundation, Lisbon
Dreaming Through: Self-publishing workshop for artists and educators. Resulting works showcased alongside the exhibition in street facing displays at 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning Gallery, London
Queer paper gardens: guided visit to the exhibition.
The Lisbon Consortium. III Lisbon Summer for the Study of Culture Programme
True Tales: Queer artistic strategies. With: Ana Pérez-Quiroga, Patrícia Guerreiro, paula roush, Maria Lusitano, João Manuel de Oliveira and Nuno Crespo. Part of "hetero q.b." program at The National Museum of Contemporary Chiado, Lisbon
Related works:
paula roush :::
msdm studio :::